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Evelina Cajacob
Vielleicht fühlt man sich manchmal wie im Paradies. Für mich aber gibt es das Paradies nur im Kopf – es ist Sehnsucht. Wird die Sehnsucht gestillt, verflüchtigt sich das Paradiesische schnell. Das Paradisische wird Gewohnheit.

Stephan Schenk
Werden Vergehen
After years of examining suffering, death, killing, cruelties and destruction of World War I, which changed my own perception of current conflicts and even lead to physical pain, I now try to conclude the project Kreuzweg with the diptych Werden Vergehen.
The never-ending cycle of coming into being and passing away, flourishing and withering should placate us with our own transience. Nevertheless, the path from the bud to the shriveling, rotting blossom and the path from birth to death feels like a slow parting from visions of paradise.
Although I refer to the peony which stands for salvation I think I did not succeed with concluding the topic. The deep thoughts, the engagement with World War I raised, just shifted to questions concerning the own finiteness. What a solace and expression of hope that the peonies are going to bloom again next year!

Lucinda Devlin
To each of us, the idea of Paradise is personal and how we achieve that state of complete happiness is unique. For me, this nirvana exists when I am standing beside Lake Huron, what was known to the Ojibwe and to the first French explorers as the Freshwater Sea.
Looking out at the horizon where water and sky meet, allows my mind to travel into infinite space and there to contemplate the nature of the world and life itself, devoid of boundaries of restraint and external reality. The result, for me, is a state of bliss, complete satisfaction, Paradise.

Evelina Cajacob
Stephan Schenk
Lucinda Devlin
Caroline von Grone


Evelina Cajacob
Doppelzeichnung, 2014
Farbstift auf Papier
2tlg., je 80 x 85 cm (88 x 93 cm)

Stephan Schenk
Werden Vergehen, 2016
2tlg., je 210 x 280 cm

Lucinda Devlin
aus der Serie "Lake Pictures", Archival Pigment Prints
je 100 x 100 cm

Caroline von Grone
rechts: Kronenblick 2.1-4, 2015/16
links: 2.5-8, 2015/16
Öl auf Leinwand
jeweils 4tlg., je 84 x 97 cm